4 definitions by Samuel L. Wordsmith

Verb. To attack under false pretenses. Derived from both ambush and the current President of the United States.
Bob said I stole his chili dog, then smashed my skull with a crowbar. But he knows I never touched his weiner! He totally bushed me.
by Samuel L. Wordsmith January 7, 2005
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The lowest-ranking mammal in a social group, such as wolves or chimpanzees. Usually employs clowning as a defense mechanism. In human society, the lowest-status individual in a group.
Bob once again demonstrated his omega status when he stuffed his nose full of Easy Cheese in a desperate cry for attention.
by Samuel L. Wordsmith January 7, 2005
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One who adheres to the idea that the United States of America should become a theocracy ruled by the rules of the Bible; a Christian Republic.
The President may not be a Christian Reconstructionist, but many of his favorite evangelical preachers are.
by Samuel L. Wordsmith January 7, 2005
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Rule by religious leaders, as found in Iran. Notable for repression of thought, extreme censorship, prohibition of scientific research, and a general lack of good times.
Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson work night and day to transform America into an evangelical Christian theocracy.
by Samuel L. Wordsmith January 7, 2005
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