7 definitions by SR

Drowsy state during Opiate(Heroin) withdrawal.
The addict may fall into a tossing, restless sleep known as the "yen," which may last several hours but from which he awakens more restless and more miserable than before.
by SR May 17, 2003
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The black rubber rings that hold in body jewelry.
I lost one of my o rings, so my earring fell right out!
by SR August 1, 2003
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uncontestable, something no sane person would argue against
also, more commonly, inarguably
I am the best. It's inarguable.
by SR April 4, 2004
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A girl with dreams and determination,Quirky sometimes yet always cute, may be the most wanted person by everyone. Greatest lover of music..!!
Damm! Being with nitharsana makes my day.
by SR November 23, 2021
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A girl with lot of dreams and determination, Quirky sometimes and yet so cute and offcourse a great lover of music.
Damm, Being with nitharsana is so exciting!
by SR November 23, 2021
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Pronounced meest.

Something that is so horribly difficult, stressful and scary that no other word will suffice.
Person 1: Can you do that ANALyis question about generating functions?
Person 2: No! It's a miest!
by SR May 11, 2005
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