23 definitions by SHLA

Someone stuck in a Prius against their will.
My luck ran out in the cab line and I was made a Priusoner in far too small of a taxi.
by SHLA July 16, 2012
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Something deemed antiquated or eliciting nostalgia, but that in historical terms is a quite recent phenomenon - typically dating back no later than 2000.
Man, are you Skyping on a desktop? That's so old.edu! I haven't done that since they introduced FaceTime on the iPhone.
by SHLA May 22, 2012
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Something one considers antiquated or nostalgic, but that in historical terms is a quite recent phenomenon - typically dating back no later than the year 2000.
Man, you're using Skype on your desktop? That's so old.edu! I haven't done that since they introduced FaceTime on the iPhone.
by SHLA May 22, 2012
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Something considered antiquated or eliciting nostalgia, but that in relative terms is a quite recent phenomenon; typically dating back no earlier than the year 2000. A variation on the term "old school."
One of my friends told me to 'MySpace' her. That's so old.edu.
by SHLA June 28, 2012
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(1) when you missionary fuck a girl on the carpet so hard that she gets an oozing rug burn all over her backside. Then, immediately after ejaculation, you turn her over and pee all over her wound.

(2) a delicious fruit.

(3) an award celebrating the worst in movies. See also Razzie.
Yeah, she was totally into the golden raspberry until the last part.
by SHLA August 18, 2011
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A lightly-trafficked cross street that always holds you up with a red light - often one which takes FOREVER to turn green.
I'd have made it on time to my waxing were it not for my nemestreet. Willoughby Avenue parked me for what seemed like five minutes and not one car or pedestrian crossed the intersection!
by SHLA September 30, 2010
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Getting shit on fingers while wiping one's ass.
I scrubbed my hands like a surgeon after getting collasseral damage from a Taco Bell dump.
by SHLA September 10, 2012
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