11 definitions by Ryan Paine

1. noun: a person who is especially ugly - in particular, someone who is all fat, cock-eyed and out of proportion.

2. adjective: how one might feel after a big night out - in particular, upon waking up and peeking some natural light from under the quilt.
1. Man, that bird/dude looked like a bag of shit tied in the middle.

2. Dude, I really feel like a bag of shit tied in the middle, can you close the blinds, please?
by Ryan Paine December 27, 2007
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1. noun: someone who really fucks things up - derived from the term "spanner in the works".
Dude, if you weren't such a spanner, things'd still be alright now.
by Ryan Paine December 27, 2007
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1. verb. violently vomiting into a toilet bowl, sink or bathtub - "europe" is onomatopoeic for vomiting loudly and/or violently.
Hey mate, how'd you pull up this morning?

Fuck dude, I was barking europe at the porcelain for so damn long I tore some capillaries in my throat and my girlfriend had to drive me to hospital.
by Ryan Paine February 9, 2008
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