43 definitions by Russell Clark

Any bogus place of origin. A term connoting personal or group suspicion about someone's stated place of origin.
Once Jill got Miss "big noise" out of the limelight and talked to her off to the side. . . turned out the lil hobag had crashed the party. Yeah, I asked her where she was from and she said, "South California" hehe!
by Russell Clark December 3, 2006
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An ill-advised and single-mindedly pursued strategy, which inevitably or predictably brings about failure of the strategist's project.
The US stragedy of favoring the Shiite factions merely led to intensification of Civil War in Iraq and ultimately to the formation of a Shiite Islamic Superstate in the region.

It might be argued the attempt to import Western-style democracy to a very different and dynamic culture without first understanding the culture's historical development or its religious and philosphical underpinnings constitutes the fundamental US stragedy for Iraq.
by Russell Clark November 26, 2006
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That BBW wanted to go chunky dunking in the hot tub with me. I told her I would, but that I was afraid we'd have to take turns!
by Russell Clark May 19, 2006
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That little plate of food won't satisy me. I'm honegry!
by Russell Clark May 22, 2003
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The mythical land from which all dim bulbs secretly originate.
Deep in the heart of Dimbulbia, thought of mind spreads much slower than word of mouth.
by Russell Clark October 30, 2003
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A man who only has sex with cumdumpsters, usually out of necessity rather than prefernce.
Benny is a real dumcumpster who wouldn't get laid if it weren't for the drunken pursuit of buddies' discarded bobags.
by Russell Clark May 4, 2006
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Promoting the productive or creative energies of those possessing slack. Pertaining to the productivity of a slacker. Any slack promoting or releasing agent.
Billy cobbled together his most ambitious spot welded compositions while chilling to the slackergic riffs of Ska and Rasta music.
by Russell Clark December 5, 2006
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