14 definitions by Rr

(Comp. Sci)
A sequential method of organization that consists of one or more bits. Most generally referred to as 8 bits but not limited to such standard.

(mis) bite
by Rr November 8, 2002
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is the best place in the united states to come from
kosi comes from alaska
by Rr October 30, 2003
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The biggest fool on earth. His another name should be non stop nonsense.
Breaking his leg after falling in toilet of a bar. Only he can do that.
by Rr November 14, 2003
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The abbreviation in Pittsburghese for "I'm gonna".
Imina go upstairs because I still have work to do.

Imina kill you!
by Rr January 21, 2005
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FreeBSD = Free + Berkeley Software Development.
Most popular UNIX release the world has ever seen. www.freebsd.org.

(common) FreeBSD pwns ur A$$
I love FreeBSD.
by Rr November 8, 2002
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A promiscuous woman who still has sex, despite being pregnant. See also: slut, tramp, whore, hussie.
Did you know she's been pregnant for six weeks and she's still sleeping with three different guys? What a pregnaho!
by Rr January 10, 2004
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What happens when a jew marries a non-jew.
Only one of your parents are Jewish? Just like RacinReaver!
by Rr January 10, 2004
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