14 definitions by Ross Sewage

1. the last tool for lazy writers who want to show how hip their knowledge is.
2. a way for people's tastes to be researched, commodified, and totally exploited on online sites such as myspace.com
3. an item so overused in lieu of actually creating something, that it signifies the end of innovation and the impending apocalypse of popular culture.
I wish people would stop making lists of crap like in that mediocre movie, High Fidelity.
by Ross Sewage March 17, 2006
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Literally, an all-male gang bang. In the context of a party, however, mang bang is similar to a sausage fest, though it is comprised of closer friends. The main difference between a mang bang and a sausage fest is that the hetero-male participants in a mang bang are usually clueless as to how homoerotic they appear.
"Damn, that was such a mang bang I totally didn't realize no chicks were there."
by Ross Sewage October 26, 2006
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An acronym denoting "For Nerds By Nerds." Used in reference to internet memes or supposedly unbiased internet articles that are obviously written for and by nerds, g33ks, 1337s, hax00rz, or any of the C++ speaking elite social class.
That ridiculously huge and well annotated Wikipedia article on the Star Wars Kid is obviously FNBN.
by Ross Sewage August 28, 2006
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a prescription for filth and depravity.
The dude couldn't rock and out and have a good time, so I gave him an Rxxx.
by Ross Sewage March 17, 2006
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a class of women's garments with unecessary and mind-boggling fasteners and straps that act as puzzling impediment to engaging in coitus.
"Can you puh-leaze just undo this piece of lingerie yourself?"
by Ross Sewage March 17, 2006
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One of those stupid kids who ruin a show by doing a bunch of high kicks and then hitting you in the face with an elbow because they think they're God damn ninjas. They males are easily recognizable by their girl-cut designer jeans and effeminate haircuts. They are noted for not having any rhythm as they do not actually listen to music.

Note #1: they are not ninjas.
Note #2: they are as lame as Ralph Macchio
I'd do something about that damn karate kid who kicked me, but I'm too drunk and out of shape. Curses!
by Ross Sewage March 17, 2006
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the state of inebriation whereupon a shy or old metal head will mosh it up and likely be in danger of sustaining severe injury.
Jeremy was so numbskulled last night, he totally jumped in the pit with the karate kids and slipped a fuckin' disc!
by Ross Sewage March 17, 2006
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