30 definitions by Robert Akins

n. Term used for a group of two or more women who are bitchy... Cakes.
"You don't want to meet my friends... They're such bitch cakes."
by Robert Akins September 14, 2004
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The central connecting force on the the planet. Life, the internet, cable television, and radio are all linked to each other via the superwire - a fantastic creation that, if unplugged, no one knows what will happen. Maybe the universe will explode. Maybe society will fall. Who knows? I don't have all the f**king answers, okay?!
The Superwire is out there man!
by Robert Akins June 4, 2004
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n. 1. The act of perfectly capturing the this-ness of now.
2. Someone who serves as a collection of everything that is 'the moment'.
3. A way of describing the first five seconds of a good hit of Mountain Dew.
1. We saw that one movie today, with the naked girl - that was SO hacccentric.

2. Did you see that? Talk about a hacccentric woman. Nice pants.

3. Dude. That was hacccentric.
by Robert Akins June 3, 2004
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n. A young girl with issues who has intermitten bouts of rage. In the case of someone who is 'angry candy', these moments are ironic and sad, because the girl is so small she can't actually damage anything other than herself.
"Relax, angry candy. It'll all be over soon, so put down the pillow and take a moment of chill, kay?"
by Robert Akins March 17, 2006
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n. Congratulations - you've just had casual sex with a bondage porn star. Derived from the MTV Liquid Television cartoon Aeon Flux, now a Charlize Theron movie.
I did it, guys. I just got Aeon Fuxed.
by Robert Akins August 16, 2005
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The most extreme stage of 'pussiness', a chicken-wuss lacks any and all courage and integrity in the heat of battle, and instead of fighting to survive, goes fetal and/or avoids all situations with a possible negative outcome.
"I got stuck with chicken-wuss and some guy who just reached puberty in my squad..." - Seifer Almasy, Final Fantasy VIII.
by Robert Akins June 16, 2004
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n. A person prone to travelling entirely for the hunt of hot spots, chic lifestyles, contemporary hotels, pretty/unique people, and like all decadents, does so with discount flights. Prime spots for Gridskippers include London, Moscow, Tokyo, anywhere in Germany, and Las Vegas.
Her head was spinning from the jetlag, or the wine. It could have been either. As a gridskipper, Jane drank of both regularly.
by Robert Akins August 16, 2005
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