3 definitions by Rifa

somebody who looks like those ugly things off that movie Wrong Turn.
"Look at that ugly ass nigga Rico."

"He look like a fuckin gremlin or some shit!"

"I know! He a muthafuckin Wrong Turn-lookin ass nigga."
by Rifa September 10, 2006
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Those fishnet ballerina shoes with the bow on the front and the silver things on the end.
"Girl yo Chaballas is cute. I aint even know they came in that color.
by Rifa July 22, 2006
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1. To be so lame you're popular for it.

2. Being such a lame that its funny.
Girl #1: I think we should all wear the same outfit to school tomorrow.

Girl #2: Hell no! Who does that shit anymore? You know what? Youse a fuckin lamestar for dat one!
by Rifa July 19, 2006
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