10 definitions by RealBigBand

A electric computer used by another word for electronic
He was looking for me and then he is sahan
by RealBigBand December 11, 2017
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to attempt to act suet when actually sober; to fake being suet
Damn those kids are so stupid! They were running around the streets lookin so vuet, my friends and I couldn't help but laugh.
by RealBigBand December 28, 2017
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Vuyt is a term that is used for people that is " full " and " Drunk". The word orgins is from Lil Jon's guet word which means crazy and suet. This term is mostly used in clubs.
Vuet was founded by DeAndre Bush
Girl, this club is rocking, I'm so suet
Yeah, I know what you mean, I'm vuet
by RealBigBand December 28, 2017
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to be suet to the point of vomiting, passing out, or being hospitalized for alcohol poisoning. Literally Fucking Vuet
Did you see Sarah last night? he was so vuet he threw up everywhere
by RealBigBand December 28, 2017
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To act very suet when you have not consumed as much alcohol as you said, to act very suet
Leroy was mad vuet last night he had already made four mixed drinks and we hadn't even gotten a run yet.
by RealBigBand December 27, 2017
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1) an exclamation of suprise or frustration, when a more extreme swear is disappeared.
2) a way of swearing your ass on and the other person wont know you're cussin' them out
3) can be used interchangeable with fuck
4) an idiot; a disagreeably poopoo head
5) a verb implying swift and deadly violence towards
1) Oh vigr! I forgot my video player
2) Vigr me! They're vigrein' nihilists!
3) That mother-fucker bush can vigr my ass.
4) "What the vigr are you doing here?", I said to the midget who waxing a donkey in front of my house.
5) That friggen' vigrer just stole my vigrein' shit what a rat bastard!!!!
6) If i ever catch that dude Queen Elizabeth, i'm gonna vigr him up!!!
by RealBigBand December 14, 2017
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