6 definitions by Rape Player

In the Game of Rape, the Renigger card is the 10 of clubs. It is the only card that can block an Antirape, giving control back to the player of the Renigger. It must be played after the Antirape, but before the antirapist continues his turn.

The Renigger is also an important part of the Caledonia Combo.
Antiraping my rape!? Here comes the renigger bitch! Now where's that Captain America Card?
by Rape Player July 5, 2004
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In the Game of Rape, the Caledonia Combo, or Trifecta, is the ultimate series of playes. In a perfect world, every game of Rape would end with the combo.

The Combo occurs when a rape is stopped by an Antirape, then the Antirape is stopped by the Renigger. Finally a player other than the one who played the Renigger throws down the Captain America Card. This results in every player left in the game being a winner!

It is generally considered good form for the player of the Renigger to wait a few seconds to see if another player has the Captain America Card, thus being able to complete the combo.
CALEDONIA COMBO! Everybody wins! Lets go get drunk and eat chicken fingers!
by Rape Player July 5, 2004
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In the Game of Rape, the SC Card, AKA the Sabrina Card, is the Queen of Spades. She is a bad card to have, as she will take anything on top of herself. This effectly gives the next player a free Rape Combo.
Ah hell I have to play Sabrina. Oh well free ride for the next guy.
by Rape Player July 5, 2004
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In the Game of Rape, The Capt. America Card, or Captain, is the King of Hearts. His awesomeness is unsurpassed. The Captain has the power to perform a Rape Combo on any card, albeit it is considered bad form to play the Captain on the SC Card (He has standards, afterall).

The Captain is also an integral part in the coveted Caledonia Combo.
SHA-ZAM! The Captain has owned you bitch! Try to Dave me will ya!
by Rape Player July 5, 2004
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In the Game of Rape, the DM Card, or Dave, is the Jack of Diamonds. He is a powerful card to have, as he can give AIDS to a previous player is he/she played a Jack, and give AIDS to the next player if he/she can only play a Jack. Only the Captain America Card has the power and awesomeness to perform a Rape Combo on Dave.
Haha! Thanks to Dave everyone has AIDS but me! I win!
by Rape Player July 5, 2004
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In the Game of Rape, the antirape cards are usually jokers. They are the only cards with the power to stop a rape.
If a player plays the antirape card on a rape before the rapist can finish his/her rape combo, the rapist's turn ends prematurely and the antirapist gains control.

The antirape cannot be played on Captain America or the DM Card.
Didn't think I was going to be able to antirape your rape, did you bitch?!
by Rape Player July 5, 2004
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