49 definitions by RICK JAMES

I know that kid! hes a fucking jackass! j/k hes awesome! I see him pwning people on the net all the time.
Colin - owns - all - internet
by RICK JAMES March 20, 2004
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The act of accidentally choking your partner with an extraordinarilly large amount of semen or cock meat while recieving dome
The coroner declared the accident Death By Dome
by RICK JAMES March 29, 2004
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Rump Roast Face comes from a place far far away (A pine richland luch tabel)
it means one with a veryy ugly or discusting face one that no 1 can stand..
Derek James= Rump Roast Face.
by RICK JAMES February 23, 2005
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Walk, I have a bober for you in my pants, come see, I think it's Morris.
by RICK JAMES June 10, 2004
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Similar to wigsplitta. Anyone who hits with such force that leaves the wig of someone in the back position.
Don't fuck with him he's a wigpushbacker.
by RICK JAMES February 16, 2005
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The root of all things that lounge in the awesomeness of spiff.

Spiff can be traced back to ancient Anglo-Saxon society when kings would ride through the shitholes of England. The people would be liberated from their shit shoveling lives by the spiff surrounding the king and his knights.

This is true, bitches...
Spifferific, Spiffy, Spifftastic, etc...

I'm really feeling the energy of that spiffer...
by RICK JAMES June 22, 2004
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