10 definitions by Quasarius

WTFII is a shortcut for what the fuck is it
Joe: I've been Mario Karting with my wife Karen and drink some booze last night
Danny: WTFII
by Quasarius February 12, 2021
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Micraphone is a poorly designed crappy microphone that can breaks easily
Billy: This old microphone isn't working anymore because I can’t sing a song
Bob: you’re using that old crappy micraphone

Billy: okay I’ll throw it away and get a new one soon
by Quasarius September 15, 2021
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Phiss has the same meaning of piss but a different letter
John: I gotta go take a phiss in the restroom
Harry: then you better hurry or you'll be late for everything now
John: oh shit I gotta hurry up phissing in the restroom
by Quasarius February 12, 2021
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