4 definitions by Pope

Background unknown. It refers to the act of excessively and unecessarily touching something in such a way that it causes some sort of mess.
Tom fingerdicked the cake so bad all the icing came off.

Jane, don't fingerdick the glass! I just cleaned all those fingerprints off!
by Pope April 12, 2005
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how fast ludacris drives so that everyone can see his down ass ride.
Damn, nigga, with a ride like that,, you gotsta drive two miles an hour!
by Pope January 19, 2005
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A crazy lady that has been around forever, disowns her grandchildren, and chases people with a stick. To some she is known as Oma or Grandma.
Erin: Babushka!
Babushka: WHAT??? If you stop yapping about that elf from LOTR I will chase you around with a stick!
Erin: But Babushka, you know you love me!!
by Pope March 25, 2004
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Where your nuts go
Your girl licked my nut sack last night fool, made me jizz.
by Pope August 17, 2003
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