12 definitions by PopFree Monkey

1- Both 'humiliating' and 'degrading' combined into one easy word!
It was bad enough that Sheryl laughed at Todd's flacid 3 inch penis, but taking a picture of it with her camera phone and sending it to her 300+ contacts including Todd's family was damned dehumiligrading!
by PopFree Monkey February 7, 2007
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The antithesis of top 40. Internet radio that avoids 'pop' music at all costs.
Oh man, you gotta listen to popfreeradio- they'd never try to pass ColdPlay off as alternative!
by PopFree Monkey February 7, 2007
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Someone who cannot use any electrical product made after 1983 without becoming incredibly confused, and generally have a designated helper to assist in the checking, writing, and sending of emails and avoid any process more complicated than email.
Suzy is almost as big an e-tard as your mother!
by PopFree Monkey February 7, 2007
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Old British greeting to someone of higher social or political status.
Ello guvna, top utha morn' to ya!
by PopFree Monkey February 7, 2007
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Is it wrong that I have a blooby fetish?
by PopFree Monkey February 7, 2007
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A venereal disease contracted through the interweb; generally from masturbating to dirty porn or reaching e-Base 4 with a dirty e-Date.
Oh hell, I think I got an e-VD from that whore's webcam!
by PopFree Monkey February 7, 2007
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A common species of human known to speak only in movie quotes due to a lack of original thought.
Sherrie is such a quotebot it feels like I'm listening to the Paramount Pictures Memorable Moments highlight reel.
by PopFree Monkey February 7, 2007
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