4 definitions by Plattapussy

The act of grinding all the Indians up and throwing there remains in the ocean turning it red/sand color. Red from blood, sand from skin color
I ran on the Indian Ocean and noticed it looked sandy and red, must have been a red sandy Indian Ocean🙂
by Plattapussy April 15, 2019
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When you are stuck on an iceberg with a partner of the same sex and you both need to have an orgasm so you both decide to say no homo and have the greatest sex of your life.
I was with bobby on the iceberg and we decided to have an arctic orgasm
by Plattapussy July 28, 2017
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Someone who while during intercourse pulls out a potato and screams I'm a retard while shoving the potato up their partners ass.
My boyfriend is a total potato retard I'm gonna break up with him.
by Plattapussy May 29, 2017
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When you cut the vagina off like a fresh rib eye steak, and you serve it on a plate. It has 7 layers. P.S. this is not canabolism
I went to the steak house last night and I ordered the platapussy and they said it was a favorite so I got the meal and said I'm gonna eat this like a hungry moose that just took a steaming shit
by Plattapussy July 28, 2017
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