15 definitions by Pissed Off Paul

The fat, ugly bitch a hot slut brings to the bar with her to prevent some drunken bastard like yorself from gettig lucky!
"Check out the redhead. She is F-I-N-E fine!"

"Yeah, well, check out the 300-pound cock block sitting next to her..."
by Pissed Off Paul October 7, 2003
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A excellent game in which two teams try to eliminate each other by tagging opposing players "out" with an inflatable rubber ball. A player is out if he is struck by a ball before it bounces or if he throws the ball and an opposing player catches it before it bounces. If a ball bounces, it is considered out-of-play until it is thrown again.
A lot of useless liberals who call themselves "physical education teachers" are trying to turn children into pansies by outlawing dodgeball. These idiots, who never should have been certified to teach in any state, don't realize that dodgeball does NOT destroy self esteem. Dodgeball is nothing more than a REALLY FUN GAME!
by Pissed Off Paul October 17, 2003
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Mandy Moore is a very talented and beautiful singer/actress. She also comes off as genuinely sweet in her interviews. She also has the most beautiful pair of long legs!
by Pissed Off Paul October 10, 2003
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Slang term for eating at a sit-down restaurant and leaving without paying; "dining" then "ditching" the check!
by Pissed Off Paul October 8, 2003
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A baseball bat wrapped in sandpaper used for anal torture; also "sandpaper baseball bat of doom"
by Pissed Off Paul October 9, 2003
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a group of 4 or 5 men who lip sync other people's music while pretending to like girls
Boy bands are nothing but a bunch of no-talent, 30-year-old pretty boys who like to bend each other over!
by Pissed Off Paul March 1, 2004
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To spend a lot of money at any one given time; taken from the fact that sailors, while on shore leave, used to spend all of their money on whores and alcoholic beverages
I stopped letting my wife use the credit card. Every time she goes to the mall, she spends like a drunken sailor on shore leave!
by Pissed Off Paul October 7, 2003
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