14 definitions by Phrenesicko Decapitate

A word to describe self conceited trendy kids who post their own image to the define the word scene.
Urban dictionary has a catalog of anonymous gloomy scene kids all over it.
by Phrenesicko Decapitate June 2, 2005
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An award given at events like state fairs for growing the biggest pumpkin or having the tastest fried chicken.
Colonel Sanders clicked his heels when he won the Blue Ribbon at the Kentucky State Fair.
by Phrenesicko Decapitate May 23, 2005
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The act or literally throwing down a gauntlet or glove as a challenge to a duel, joust or other form of battle or throw down.
Colonel Sanders was going to throw down the gauntlet when his fried chicken did not win the blue ribbon.
by Phrenesicko Decapitate May 23, 2005
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Colonel Harland Sanders, born September 9, 1890, actively began franchising his chicken business at the age of 65.
by Phrenesicko Decapitate May 23, 2005
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Made famous by the Red Hot Chili Peppers a cock sock is a sock worn on the penis.
Flea dropped his bass and swung his cock sock around in a circle.
by Phrenesicko Decapitate May 23, 2005
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A person who smokes alot of pot or smokes a joint really fast. Similar to bogart.
by Phrenesicko Decapitate May 23, 2005
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