11 definitions by PhreaK

Game likely originating in Russia in which a group of men masturbate and ejaculate onto a slice of bread. The last man to ejaculate has to eat the bread.
Look at those weird fuckers playing russian toast
by PhreaK December 24, 2003
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A person who goes to a psionic website and wants to learn how to throw lightning bolts at the school bully

Dbzfan1111: OMGzorzz ! wantss t0 learn how to do kamaha!11!111!

Bobrobyn: STFU NOOB!
by PhreaK November 23, 2004
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A word used to describe somebody that is tripping the fuck out on horse tranquilisers.
"Oi mate, I think that Vos has gone completely Fazar!"
by PhreaK August 14, 2012
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To search around for a piece of ass.
"Lookin po nub in all the wong pwaces..."
by PhreaK May 25, 2004
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Something or someone so mind numbingly pointless and shit that it makes your insides burn with anger and the desire to kill.
"This is a right muttwang"
"You really are a muttwang"
by PhreaK March 10, 2005
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I gagged during pillow talk when her nipple tickled my uvula
by PhreaK May 24, 2004
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