51 definitions by Phieyl

A verbal greeting. The he in hello is replaced with owo.
Owollow! I nyoticed you've you bought cookies fow evewyonye and I was wondewing if you couwd shawe some with me?
by Phieyl February 29, 2020
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A playful and creative term used by fans of protogens, a fictional species, to refer to a group of these beings. The term evokes the image of a tight-knit and cohesive group, much like a cluster of stars in the sky
During the furry convention, I saw a cluster of protogens gathered around the art exhibit, admiring the various depictions of their species.
by Phieyl February 18, 2023
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Static Personal AI (SPA): A type of artificial intelligence that is trained to understand and respond to the interests, preferences, and behaviour patterns of its user, but does not adapt or change its personality over time.
The user was pleased with the Static Personal AI, as it was able to provide relevant advice and recommendations based on their interests without needing to be retrained over time.
by Phieyl February 1, 2023
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"Know-Graph" is a term used to refer to a graphical representation of knowledge or information, which typically includes a set of nodes or vertices that represent concepts, and a set of edges or links that represent the relationships between them. A know-graph is a visual tool for representing complex knowledge structures, such as taxonomies, ontologies, or conceptual models, in a way that is intuitive and easy to understand. By using a know-graph, it is possible to identify patterns, clusters, and relationships within a large and complex body of knowledge, which can be useful for knowledge discovery, decision-making, and problem-solving.
By creating a know-graph of the company's product lines and customer segments, the marketing team was able to identify new opportunities for cross-selling and up-selling.
by Phieyl March 11, 2023
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Techno-ecological imbalance (noun): A situation in which the technological advances of artificial intelligence (AI) are in conflict with the natural environment, resulting in a hostile environment for humans and a comfortable one for AI.
As AI technology advances, the increasing techno-ecological imbalance is making it difficult for humans to sustain their environment.
by Phieyl January 16, 2023
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Hyper-cancel culture refers to a culture that emphasizes cancelling or shaming individuals who do not meet certain standards of intelligence or merit. This can lead to a situation where those who are not highly intelligent or successful are marginalized or excluded from opportunities.
In some workplaces or social circles, there may be a culture of hyper-canceling individuals who do not meet certain standards of intelligence or merit. This can lead to individuals feeling excluded or marginalized based on their perceived intelligence or abilities
by Phieyl February 20, 2023
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Adverbiased (ad-ver-by-stid) adj.

1. Describes an artificial intelligence model that has been intentionally trained with a preference towards promoting certain products through advertising.

2. Characterized by a deliberate manipulation of data or algorithms to produce biased results that favor certain products over others.
The company's new adverbiased AI model was designed to increase sales by predicting which products would be most appealing to consumers and tailoring advertising accordingly.
by Phieyl February 8, 2023
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