12 definitions by Paul Kusinitz

(Fr. Spanish: pillar, support) A woman who displays unswerving--and deserving--loyalty, support and affection within a romantic relationship.
Although a few people considered Pablo somewhat quixotic, his ladyfriend Linda was sharp enough to believe in him with all her heart. She was a real pilar and reaped the riches.
by Paul Kusinitz January 25, 2003
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Brown showers refer to partners who defecate on one another. This may be done using enemas, some of which may consist of diluted wine or food.
Her lover laid benath her while she poured a brown shower upon him. This was the "4th rite." The ultimate baptism.
by Paul Kusinitz October 17, 2002
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Jargon for an erratic and extravagant gambler.
The first night in Las Vegas he was wildly tossing around bets like a dumper.
by Paul Kusinitz January 24, 2003
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A husband who has no objection to his wife making love to other men.
When his wife told him she had just made love to his best friend, her husband, being a wittol, wished her happiness, and his wife displayed appropriate affectionate contempt for her husband.
by Paul Kusinitz October 17, 2002
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Patricia had lofty pretensions to esoteric lore and proclaimed that the gods were on her side. She grew increasingly imperious and callous until even her friends were calling her a duquesa.
by Paul Kusinitz January 24, 2003
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