8 definitions by Paramecium
When a car has LCD monitors installed on the headrests in the absolute back row of the car, which cannot be, nor are not intended to be viewed by a passenger, but other divers on the road. The purpose of this is to show all the haters that you have so much money and are so extravagant that you can afford to install expensive car audio \ video equipment in order to show off.
I got "hater vision" installed in the back of my H3 so all the haters can hate on my pimped ride as I roll thru the projects.
by Paramecium August 9, 2005
The act of a female (or perhaps anyone with sizeable breasts) using their titty to sexually stimulate a man (possibly to the point of orgasm). Phrase origin is presumed from england.
by Paramecium July 25, 2004
Similar or same as Fuck Trophy. Most often the only way for a woman of lesser looks and IQ, and greater body fat percentage to actually convince her peers that she has had sex at least one time in her life. Sex trophies most often spotted: welfare office, Hostess Bakery Thrift store, county fairs, Hardees, rural Bars made from a house.
This fat ugly bitch was infront of me when I was gettin' Clint Black tickets, it wouldnt a been so bad if her stupid sex trophy wasnt cryin so loud.
by Paramecium July 25, 2004
A word first used by the characters “Siphyl and Ollie” from the hit 1998 MTV show of the same name starring two sock puppets and their various sock puppet friends and foes. The word is the name of a fictional American civil war battle in which a soldier mooned the opposition. The word is used to describe a town, city, or place in a rural or distant area which you do not remember the name, or the name of it is not important. Context of the word is usually sarcastic or crass.
by Paramecium July 25, 2004
On September 26th, 1992 Nicolas Cage hosted Saturday Night Live. In one sketch Nicolas Cage and actress Julia Sweeney act out parts as soon to be parents deciding on a name for their child. After many of the suggestions by the wife the husband continues to decline most of the names she is coming up with on the grounds that the child would be made fun of because of that particular name. As the husband continues to be more defensive about his own past as being made fun of and continues to dislike the names suggested, a telegram is delivered by an agent played by Rob Schneider. The agent tells them that the telegram is for a person named “Asswipe Johnson”. The husband immediately tries to correct him by informing him that his name is pronounced: “Os-wee-pay”. It is at this time you realize the motivation behind the husband’s scrutiny. This term is often used in a comical way in substitution for a person of which you forgot their name. Basically a synonym for John Doe. The term can be used as “Asswipe Johnson”, or “Osweepay Johnson”.
A: What was the name of that guy you knew with that thing?
B: Oh, uh....I dunno, Osweepay Johnson?
A: Osweepay Johnson, thats funny.
B: Do you get it?
A: Not really.
B: Osweepay, Asssss....wipe.
A: Oh yea! Hehehehehe.
B: Mm-kay.
B: Oh, uh....I dunno, Osweepay Johnson?
A: Osweepay Johnson, thats funny.
B: Do you get it?
A: Not really.
B: Osweepay, Asssss....wipe.
A: Oh yea! Hehehehehe.
B: Mm-kay.
by Paramecium July 25, 2004
by Paramecium July 25, 2004
“Tall Cool One”. This refers to a tall, cool, brewski. Usually contained in a vessel of elevated proportions. The standard 12 ounce longneck glass bottles, the 16 ounce Tall Boys cans, and the 24 ounce Tall Boyz cans all apply to this title. “Tall Cool One” has been forever immortalized by the late Chris Farley in the hit 1996 comedy Black Sheep. See quote below.
by Paramecium October 28, 2004