21 definitions by PaleBlueYacht

A post intended for a large audience yet posted on a single person's wall to appear more genuine. Since proxy wallposts are visible through homepage feeds, one can advertise a trait of oneself that would be construed as bragging if in the form of a status.
Suppose you want to advertise to your friends that you are caring and social. This is impossible to brag about, so instead just find your friend who shares the most mutual friends and write this gem of a proxy wallpost:

"We had such a great time last week! I miss you so much <3"

Soon, everyone you know will see it in their feed. And, unlike a status, no one will call you on it for fear of you playing the None Of Your Business card.
by PaleBlueYacht May 27, 2010
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An insincere and self-promoting post on another's Facebook wall intended for a public audience, in spite of the wall's one-on-one nature.

This is usually done to advertise traits which when put in the direct form of a status update would make the poster's motives far too transparent.
KATE: Why did Christina post "you're the best. LOVE LOVE LOVE." on my facebook wall? She hasn't talked to me in five months and it's not my birthday.

MARK: She probably wants everyone to think she's the type of girl who is tight with her friends, and people would call her on it if it were a status update.

KATE: A proxy wallpost? Seriously?
by PaleBlueYacht February 20, 2011
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Misuse of a safety mechanism, like a fire alarm, danger hotlines or report buttons on a website, to censor speech without regard to the intent of the safety mechanism.

A type of rulebombing.


Fire alarming is a problem, because it:

(a) disrespects actual instances of dangerous events the mechanism is designed to prevent, and
(b) causes people who have to monitor uses of that safety mechanism to show skepticism to future uses of that safety mechanism, since the number of serious instances are diluted.
I posted a video critical of this girl's ideology on YouTube, but now all of her supporters are fire alarming me.
by PaleBlueYacht May 13, 2013
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The temporary change in personality that occurs after being deeply involved with a movie, book, game, or some other work of fiction.

Can also be expanded to nonfiction ("documentary lag" or some other variant), but is less common because those works are typically experienced through the frame of the reader/player/watcher's default personality.
CHRIS: Don't think. Don't hesitate. Just say it.

ASHLEY: Why are you talking like that?

CHRIS: What?

ASHLEY: You sound like a movie trailer. Is this because you just finished watching Fight Club?

CHRIS: Uhh... yeah I guess I'm a little fiction lagged.
by PaleBlueYacht February 20, 2011
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A kind of illegality that is laughed at, rather than taken seriously.

alt spelling: illeglawl
A: Isn't it illegal to honk like that?

B: Probably. More importantly, it's illeglol.
by PaleBlueYacht May 13, 2013
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Hair-trigger accusations of pedophilia. Usually, this accompanies a "you're with us or you're with the pedophiles" false dichotomy style of thought, not unlike "you're with us or you're with the terrorists."

Alt: pedohysteria
Person: Can we please have a rational discussion about the consequences of running a sex offender list?

Pedohysterics: Why? That sounds like something a pedophile would say. Only pedophiles and pedo apologists would want a list like that gone.
by PaleBlueYacht May 14, 2013
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Being offended at offense, usually when the metaoffendee feels that another's offense is highly unjustified.
CHRIS: You're gay? You offend me.

JOHN: Are you fucking serious? You're offended at that? I'm metaoffended.
by PaleBlueYacht March 25, 2011
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