115 definitions by PRwiz101

(n.) -- A state of existence reached when a gaggle of political candidates gather for a debate and ignore the issues, respond to questions without substance, preferring to bluster, posture and end the debate having done nothing other than denigrate each of the other politicians on stage.
"Did you see it? The South Carolina Republican debate last night produced new fomentum as the candidates berated each other and offered not a single substantive idea."

-- overheard at a watercooler in Raleigh, South Carolina, January 20, 2012
by PRwiz101 January 21, 2012
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(verb) - To start masturbating but stop just before orgasm in order to practice self-discipline and save cosmic energy for next time
"My college roomate was liked to masturbrake as a way of building up his inner karma, saying it had something
to do with something he read in an Indian guru's book."
by PRwiz101 February 8, 2014
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"I got a nice studio apartment now in the Village, and it's not only a cool bachelor pad, but I also sleep ON my very cool bachelor pad every night."

-- Posted on a Tokyo bulletin board in Ikebukuro, July 2, 2009
by PRwiz101 July 5, 2009
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(n.) - A special-interest group or social activist group that espouses a specific cause to improve society or promote social or political concerns
"There is no special cause group for Dutch people in America, but there should be since many of our English words, such as Dutch treat and dutch oven and dutch wife are slurs on the Dutch."

- overheard at a watercooler outside a bookstore in Amsterdam on April 3, 2010
by PRwiz101 April 5, 2010
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(n.) - a name for an ideal community or society that meets all of your needs and desires.
If I was king of the world, I'd set up a youtopia, stuff it with everything I want and call it my own.
by PRwiz101 October 19, 2010
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(n.) -- digital newspapers that replace print newspapers
"As more and more print newspapers go digital and stop being printed on paper, I worry that these digital frankenpapers might turn into little monsters."

-- overheard at a watercooler in a Madison Avenue advertising agency office, September 1, 2010
by PRwiz101 September 14, 2010
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To read a book on a sleek, light e-reader device called a Nook and marketed by Barnes & Noble.
"Sorry, I can't talk to you now honey, I'm nooking the new Dan Brown book on my Nook and I just can't put it down!"
by PRwiz101 October 24, 2009
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