17 definitions by PAki chan

Most people use PMS as a scapegoat to act like a total bitch, PMS really means portable missle system, something of mass destruction. The mas destruction got linked to pre menstural sydrome so thats how PMS came to be used as it is today
*guy*-Holly shit she's got pms!!!!
*guy 2*-Damn it she's gonna destroy the house

*Girl with pms*-I'm outta damm, where the hell can i reload.:-D
by PAki chan June 11, 2005
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One of the higher class rim creaters.
Holy paki shit, You see the maserati with those Lexanis?
by PAki chan May 29, 2005
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A bucnch of muthafuckas who were scared shitless of niggas so they had to scare niggas shitless. Also retarted white bastered who enjoy transvestite masturbation :P
Me and my pakis splatered a kkk shitfuck's brain during a curb stopming
by PAki chan May 28, 2005
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Shit fucking piss holes who thought it would be a good idea to burn a cross (their own religious symbol)to try and scare the shit outta my niggas of the past. In this day and age they are chicken shit to try that cause now we got niggas like 50, Dre, and all tha other soldiers like young buck game and all rappers who carry that heat.
*kkk guy a* Oy richard we gotta go lynch a nigger

*50 cent* Wanna feel there hollow points ya crackers?

Both dudes go screaming leaving a wet trail cause they pissed themselves
by PAki chan June 3, 2005
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Enough said? If not Million Dolla grass is that fine grass wich is highly illegal to grow cuch as marijuana or Chronic. 1 Kilo sells for a million bucks :P
by PAki chan May 29, 2005
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Short for 12 gauge shotgun. Mostly Spas 12's or M3's
Person A: I got my shoty in the trunk.
Person B: I got my missle launcher in the car
by PAki chan May 29, 2005
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during a street fight, when one fighter is down on the ground while the other person stomps the shit out of them
I fucking curb stomped ryan, he owed me fifty bucks still, I think of it as giving him a reminder
by PAki chan May 19, 2005
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