17 definitions by OnE LoVe

1)a person who grabs a titty and slings it
2)a total asswiper
1)i saw that knob Burl Smythe and gave him a tittyslinger.
2) Ben Dodd is the definition of a total tittyslinger!
by OnE LoVe April 18, 2005
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In addition to a reach around, Gay Pablo instructed Queer Raoul to give him a French handshake.
by OnE LoVe August 22, 2003
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A quirky 'sweet' reverence to man on man sexual action.
Jane: "Did you see those guys swirling cones?"
Phil: " yeah! They were going at it!"

Sam: " Hey! You wanna swirl cones?"
Tommy: "Duh!"
by OnE LoVe April 23, 2015
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an asshole dude that fucks up your chances of fuckin some bitch
by OnE LoVe August 10, 2003
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When a person squeezes another persons cock between their ass cheeks.
Burl Gore gives the best muscular pancakes!! My dick was sore for a week!
by OnE LoVe October 16, 2004
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your booger holder that sometimes gets hairy sores
I got a sore in my FUCKIN NOSE!
I blew it and a bunch of hair came out and now its just a boogery scab!
by OnE LoVe November 30, 2004
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a dumb ass gook who stole my user name on urbandictionary.com!
Su Phu: "Lets see...I think I will make up some stupid ass definitions about dumb crap AND I will steal someone elses user name!!

The REAL OnE LoVe: "You dumb ass gook!
by OnE LoVe February 15, 2005
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