46 definitions by ODog N Cali M.C N T

a zitler is a racist with bad acne
that dude with bad acne was extremely racist he had to be a zitler
by ODog N Cali M.C N T April 4, 2009
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a thicker picker upper is a person who only picks up on and dates thick women
did i tell you i was asked what kinda lady i liked i said a thick one of course as im a thicker picker upper
by ODog N Cali M.C N T April 7, 2009
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a camel joe is a male version of the camel toe
omg gail jus told me that she seen a dude with a speedo so tight she seen his camel joe
by ODog N Cali M.C N T April 5, 2009
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nipple ripple is ice cream made with breast milk
whenever i have me some nipple ripple i always get a double scoop
by ODog N Cali M.C N T April 10, 2009
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a nergin is a nerd virgin
all bob does is spend time on the computer so he has no time to get laid so ill bet hes a nergin
by ODog N Cali M.C N T November 15, 2009
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bermuda shorts is caribbean midgets
i was on an island in the caribbeans and all i seen was bermuda shorts everywhere
by ODog N Cali M.C N T April 6, 2009
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a harry twatter is a magical hairy twat
a harry twatter makes love the best as its a magical experience every single time i mean every time i put my cock inside her she made it disappear like magic
by ODog N Cali M.C N T June 29, 2009
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