28 definitions by Nico

Oh, hold up I've left ma shizzles at home!
by Nico June 9, 2003
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what is needed to snag a woman.
"You know, nunchuk skills, bow staff skills, computer hacking skills... girls only want boyfriends who have great skills!"
by Nico May 9, 2005
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greatest song by the b52's, besides love shack
b52's sing lots of crazy songs like rock lobster
by Nico January 23, 2005
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For a person's face to be disproportionately red compared to the rest of their body.

To be embarassed, or blushing whilst still looking like a tomato.
Oh my fucking god did you see that big raide!?

Listen up big raide!

This is the police, you're home is about to undergo a big raide.
by Nico March 3, 2005
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(proper noun) A "nerdy-type" guy from Idaho who does not care about what anyone thinks of him and just does what he enjoys. Interests include: drawing pictures of fairy-tale creatures and the like, tetherball, throwing oranges at passing cars. Also stars in his own movie called, obviously, "Napoleon Dynamite" which was flipping SWEET!! People who are against this movie because it's "stupid" and "pointless" need to chill because that's just it... you have to appreciate the mindlessness!
direct quote from Napoleon to Deb, his prom date: "I like your sleeves. They're real big."
by Nico April 10, 2005
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some are sexst, and those should die die die, they are NOT superior, we are all equal, lots of them think they have to be masculine, but the good ones, respect women, and are great
this world is so fucked up
by Nico February 7, 2005
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