4 definitions by NeutralUser

Macai is a word to refer to Pakatan Harapan's hardcore supporters by Parti Se-Islam Malaysia's hardcore supporters. Sometimes used for retaliation, and sometimes used randomly in a debate. The word "macai" is believed to come from the Chinese language. The word "walanon" is also used by PAS' hardcore supporters and has the same meaning as "macai". It was made popular during the 2022 and 2018 Malaysian general election.
Macai ni tak penat ke kena kencing?

Khas untuk macai-macai
by NeutralUser April 4, 2023
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Walaun is used by the opposition party supporters (mostly by hardcore supporters) of Parti Se-Islam Malaysia to refer to their hardcore supporters. Some hate it, and some don't care but another version of "walaun", "malaun" which is a pejorative term for Bengali Hindus has been claimed "more ruder" by a PAS supporter. The opposite of "walaun" is "macai". This word was made popular during the 2022 Malaysian general election.
Walaun punya modal agama jak.

Wahai walaun-walaun sekalian, janganlah bersedih.
by NeutralUser April 4, 2023
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Meleis is a racial slur for Malaysian Malays ₍₁₎ which is frequently used by some Malays that are ashamed just simply for being Malay, the group mostly consists of teenage females & pick-me males (pick me boy). ₍₂₎

Some of them say 'meleis is not a racial slur its like karen but malaysian version' but since when did we call Malaysians Malays? They downgrade Malays that are not fluent in English, have the opposite opinion & that clashes with their political interest.

₍₁₎ Wikipedia's list of ethnic slurs

₍₂₎ Tiktok

can you put malay sub because i takut the meleis tak paham

always the meleis
by NeutralUser December 18, 2021
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Kepam₍₁₎ is a slang made to refer to Malaysian teenage girls and sometimes boys that are racist, support same-sex marriage in Malaysia & criticize one's political opinion. Their opinion is controversial and sometimes even slandering people. Kepam's are sensitive₍₃₎ but don't respect other groups of people's sensitivity.

Unlike the slang "Meleis"₍₂₎, it is not racist and can be used for all people no matter what their ethnicity.


₍₁₎ DBP- Kepam originally means 'musty' in English.

₍₂₎ Meleis is a racial slur used for Malaysian Malays.

₍₃₎ Ain Husniza Saiful Nizam's MakeSchoolASaferPlace campaign after his PJK (Physical and Health Education) teacher allegedly used the word 'rogol' to refer 'sex' on April 23, 2021.

Always the kepam one.
by NeutralUser December 20, 2021
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