79 definitions by NEO

The ultmate way to say something/someone is the coolest there is. Someone who is suave is so radically cool, that the words cool, swell, sweet or chill can't even begin to apply. Can also be used in the place of hot when speaking of a really really hot young woman. But its not gender specific.

The word suave in this usage has its origins in Vancouver BC, Canada by a radically suave group.
Yo man, that sports car of yours is really suave!
Dude, did you see that babe? She was so totally suave!
Yo babygirl, your style is real suave!
by NEO December 11, 2004
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A phrase denoting an angry, crabby, grumpy female; The letter "V" denotes "vagina".
Barry "What's wrong with her today, she on the rag or something?"

Joe "Who knows, she's always got sand in her V.
by NEO June 15, 2003
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a battle cry when a normie has set foot in sacred grounds, it alerts others for backup.
by NEO May 21, 2019
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An air-purified e-bay addict who lacks common sense and basic comprehension.
Damn, that Lauletta is like a kid with downs syndrome and slight mental retardation.
by NEO April 15, 2003
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Listen to them to get good mood
... and army of freedom, defenders of light...
by NEO January 30, 2004
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Feces, shit, poo; short for "Biological Chocolate"
Joe "Somone just dropped the illest bio-chocolate in there."
by NEO June 15, 2003
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1. Being physically uncoordinated
2. Being otherwise clumsy in any respect
1. You're too unco to play soccer
2. You're so unco, you can't even beat tetris
by NEO April 21, 2004
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