34 definitions by Muttemor

To say something in an agitated fashion, Gruffed is the combination of 'Grumble' and 'Huffed', gruffing is similar to 'scoffing' only it is a response where the individual is being much more direct and snide about their frustrations and feelings towards the issue and often tries harder to solicit a response even if unintentionally and the execution tends to be more crude in nature.
"I need you to go pick up mom from the airport tomorrow." Jenny told her sister, Sally giving her a sideways glance as she stood up.
"And why the hell should I do that?" Sally Gruffed, "you never do anything for me when I need help!"
Jenny simple sighed aloud in turn, "God damn, you're such a child..."
by Muttemor May 12, 2021
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1) Someone who can't accept another's success, and will excessively complain about it.

2) A derogatory slur used by homosexuals (usually flamboyant ones) and their supporters to describe a 'gay bigot/gay-basher' or anyone who doesn't support their cause; ironically makes the user a bigot.

3) Another word for a 'bigot'.
1) Tom is such a hater cause he can't get over Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize; even though he didn't deserve it.

2) Perez Hilton about Ms. California: "I can't believe that B*tch, she is such a 'Hater', I just hate haters."

3) Chuck: Bro you see Christian over there protesting gay marriage?

Larry: He's such a hater.
by Muttemor September 28, 2014
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A compound word stemming from multiple definitions.

1) Twerp/Dweeb; a nerdy kid who is short, annoying as hell and lacks physical prowess.

2) Total/Dweeb; a super nerdy kid, not as bad as the *twerp* variant, so they are likable.

3) Twin/Dweeb (plural: Tweebs); the twin who is the nerdy/dorky one.

4) Twitter/Weeb; a annoying person who sees Twitter as a real fuckin' place, has embraced its culture and now lives in it.

5) Toxic/Weeb; a weeb that is so hyper-obsessively annoying, they make you want to run away from them; they like the sound of their own voice.
1) Little Billy kept bothering Sally to the extent that she pushed him and called him a 'Tweeb'.

2) Steve told Laura all about gravity and how it worked in conjuction with their bodies, Laura replied, "You're such a tweeb."

3) Jack and Dick were inseparable as some twins seldom are; Dick being the jock, enjoying sports and fast cars, Jack, well... let's just say he was the *tweeb*.

4) Milly spent too much time on Twitter, she started saying things like, "Take the L." and "LOL." aloud, it was obvious she was becoming a *Tweeb*.

5) Mike started growling at Tim for not liking his favorite anime; 'how dare he!' Mike thought, to which Tim replied, "man, stop being such a tweeb..."
by Muttemor December 8, 2021
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Another adorably sweet nickname for a cute, puffy and just lovely vagina...
Miss Muffet was feeling a little sore after that pound session yesterday...
by Muttemor June 23, 2021
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A reverse-trap is a heterosexual (usually) female character who dresses like, looks like or pretends to be a boy and 'passes' to the extent that NO ONE other than perceptively intelligent characters or complete degenerates (skirt-chasers) recognize them based on 'bone structure', 'having suspicions' or 'always knowing'. These characters are often outed at some point in the story through various means.

These characters also tend to focus on the 'I'm not that pretty trope' where they find themselves unattractive and another character (usually a male) who likes them or is close to them reassures them they are very pretty/beautiful/sexy ect... although not all reverse-traps have or exibit this trope like, Zelda in her Sheik form (Ocrina of Time), Pidge (Voltron 2018), Samus (Meteroid Prime) or Sypha (Castlevania).

Trans-men are NOT considered reverse-traps although, tomboys can technically be a possible reverse-trap depending on the portrayal.
Was watching Dragon Slayer, you know that old fantasy movie from 1981 and I forgot there had a reverse-trap on there, you know that character, Valerian.
by Muttemor June 25, 2021
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Acrony which stands for Trans-Radical Activist, Supporter, Stalker; or Serial Harrasser or Trans-Radical Activists, Supporters, Stalkers & Serial Harrassers when plural.

TRASSSH refers to individuals who are radical members of the trans rights movement. These individuals (or collectives) will often use extreme tactics in order to ruin the lives of anyone they deem a threat to the transgender ideology.

Tactics utilized include, but are not limited to:

- Death threats
- Cyber-bullying
- Doxxing
- Harrassment
- Contacting of family, peers and/or work place
- Defamation & Slander
- Assault & Battery
- Vandalism & destruction of property
- Public indecency, crude & inappropriate behavior to include indecent exposure
- Theft
- Berating, stalking & intimidation
- Cohersion & manipulation

- Lying, misrepresentation & denial
- Baseless accusations & false equivalencies

TRASSSH may or may not be an actual member of the trans community, but is more often than not, an 'ally' of said movement, who has become radicalized.

The distinction between TRASSSH and actual trans allies (and normal members) is important due to one causing irreversible harm to the trans movement as a whole, damaging its credibility, and causing further harm to individuals within the community who are just trying to live a peaceful life.
Some trans rights activists were seen harassing someone online again, TRASSSH like them just makes us look bad, and needs to be stopped at all costs.
by Muttemor February 19, 2023
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A female character in a story (usually fiction) who checks off all of the boxes of being a 'Mary Sue,' but people hypocritically refuse to acknowledge their status as one. This is due to either the story being a parody, or the character being 'likable.'
Princess Peach from the Super Mario Bros. Movie was a Mary Sue, but people claim she wasn't because they liked her a lot... let's just call her a Peachy Sue instead then.
by Muttemor April 9, 2023
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