32 definitions by Musty Musk Man

The Slovakian Traffic Cone (or STC) is a sexual activity involving a large, preferably yellow, traffic cone. The cone doesn’t have to be Slovakian in origin, but it is highly recommended. Their are two people needed, a “giver” and a “mixer.” The steps to perform this act are as follows:

1. The “mixer” lays face down on a bed/the floor and puts their rectum/urethra in the air (both holes work for girls, only the recum works for boys.)

2. The top of the traffic cone has lube put on it and it is then shoved in the hole of choice by the “giver” or some other guy/gal/person.

3. The “giver” proceeds to piss, shit, cum, puke, blow snot, bleed and put earwax into the cone. (Not all of these need to be done but all can be done.) The bleeding is normally done via a cut in the groin area.

4. When all is in the cone, a plunger is used to push the mixture into the hole of choice.

5. The “mixer” then puts the dirtt cone on their head, before sitting on the “givers” chest and taking laxatives.

6. The “mixer” shits the mixture on the “giver.”

That’s the basics of it, but there is also more “specific and specialized” versions. These include the “Dyonisus Special,” the “Horn of Plenty,” the “Massive Maud,” and the “Holy Grail.”
I had some dumb broad give me a Slovakian Traffic Cone.
by Musty Musk Man November 23, 2022
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Someone from the subreddit r/196.

Comes from the Armenian Hamr T’ukh, meaning Dumb Poop.
“Arrrg, I hate when those stupid Hamrtukhs post shit on our subreddit!”
by Musty Musk Man August 17, 2023
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Look at that Gruffalo giving that dude head in the dark scary alley behind the Chinese food place!
by Musty Musk Man June 6, 2023
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A larger version of a dingaling, which is a larger version of a dong.
That man as a dingdongaling he must give bitches vaginal tears.
by Musty Musk Man June 6, 2023
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A Pen Where You Keep Your Bros
I have a bro in the bro pen if you wanna do bro things.
by Musty Musk Man July 22, 2023
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The big list of words people with mental disabilities (and those who fake them) can use as justification in hate speech lawsuits. It is impurities that you don’t use these word within ten meters of someone who claims to have any form of mental disability, or you will be sued faster than if you mocked the Church of Scientology.

The list is as follows:


And the wort one…

I, someone with OCD, a mental disability, have just been called stupid, a term on the ablest slur checklist, and therefore mocking my supposed lack of intelligence, a stereotype about people with mental disabilities like myself. So, I am going to sue the man and get him fired from his job, so that I can have a safe space.
by Musty Musk Man July 6, 2023
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