10 definitions by Mu moo

Bash the Fash........
by Mu moo January 9, 2005
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when i think of sXe i think of pussy too scared to smoke or drink when i think of minor threat i think of a punk band that were not fucking pussy that didnt feel like fucking up there minds
by Mu moo April 24, 2004
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an old school punk band with a fast tempo and good lyrics not scream but not sung a great band
i dont give a fuck
the time was right
i never needed you
by Mu moo December 19, 2004
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hey who says every punk band has to sing about anarchy and shit
by Mu moo September 2, 2003
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someone who fights for personal freedoms. whenther those freedoms be to drink smoke or sit with your friends at a lunch table.
fuck all the brainwashing teachers FF for life. FIGHT THE POWER
by Mu moo May 7, 2004
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the quala(the bear animal w/ 2 flangees) god.
so i guess an example must have 3 words and some letters so here we go gvnrkejhgrjghfdjghkjfghrjfhguerhgiurhgruighurighiurhgurghiurghiruhgiurgh...
by Mu moo October 17, 2004
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