30 definitions by MsLi
by MsLi January 29, 2006
From the hilarious tv cartoon Ren & Stimpy, happy happy joy joy is defined as when the world expects you to put on this happy and joyful face when what you really want to do is shriek at the top of your lungs and rip your hair out in anger/frustration/misery. To make everyone happy though, you put on this mask of happy happy joy joy while singing a silly song.
Just as you were ready to leave work for the day, the boss tells you he wants you to work both Saturday and Sunday on the new project. You're on salary and so will get no more $$ for sacrificing your weekend. However, the boss is considering you for that vacant position where you'd have your own office with a window, so you happy happy joy joy and say, "Sure thing, boss!" with a big toothy grin on your face.
by MsLi December 25, 2005
When a person is seen in public with an attractive and charming partner, their SMV goes up, meaning they become more attractive to other potential partners.
by MsLi January 14, 2006
A frequent utterance of Bart Simpson, "Don't have a cow" dismisses the other person's feelings as overreactive to the situation. The person who expresses anger, shock, disgust, or any of several other negative feelings towards an action or person is seen as having a cow. The person who induces bovine delivery, either through doing it or telling of the activity, often tries to minimize the activity as something not so bad. Saying don't have a cow minimizes both the activity itself *and* the person's feelings who is having the cow.
Jimmy Joe had a cow when he learned that his best friend, John Jay, had bought a term paper online and passed it off as his own writing.
Billy Ray laughed at Jimmy Joe's shock that he could do such a thing. He sneered, "Don't have a cow, man! Professors never read those papers anyway."
Billy Ray laughed at Jimmy Joe's shock that he could do such a thing. He sneered, "Don't have a cow, man! Professors never read those papers anyway."
by MsLi January 29, 2006
A word which is a combination of google, which is a search engine duh! and ud, which is short for Urban Dictionary. To uddle means to search for a definition in the Urban Dictionary.
Some foo be talkin' 'bout "gankin God's hooptie-wagon", so I gotsta uddle it to be straight with what da man means.
by MsLi September 22, 2005
Udders are those who look at words as being alive and as begging to be played with.
Udders find joy in a living language.
Udders find joy in a living language.
by MsLi January 10, 2006
Tunnel Snakes Rule! We're The Tunnel Snakes!
by MsLi December 11, 2010