30 definitions by MsLi

UBMUT is an acronym for Unknown By Me Until Today. It means I've learned something new today and I'm attaching this tag to it so others know it is new to me.
"The song ‘Lady Eleanor’ originally appeared on Lindisfarne’s debut album Nicely Out Of Tune which was released in 1970" was Unknown By Me Today UBMUT (acronym).
by MsLi December 5, 2018
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Slang for inexperienced motorcycle riders. They begin the riding season but end up splattered on the concrete, like a street squid, before the end of the season.
The idiot on the loud Harley zipped in and out of traffic, oblivious to speed limits and space constraints. Jimmy watched and thought, yep there goes another street squid.
by MsLi July 1, 2011
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