11 definitions by MrMrMemeyGuy

A young human. What did you expect, me to diss them for acting their age? Of course not, that's ageist and disrespectful. All they are is our offspring. Dont like em? To bad, ya had sex which is only done for reproduction. So be a help to society and teach your children how to be productive members of society. Cuz its your fault if they grow up being spoiled brats who are dependent on you.
Its hilarious watching Bob's children play
by MrMrMemeyGuy August 21, 2017
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A type of goverment where private property can be owned, tons of rights are given to the people, and the people pick the leader of the country. So it relies on the country's population being smart. And its rare to find a smart human
America, canada, and modern-day japan are examples of democracy countries.
by MrMrMemeyGuy September 7, 2017
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A japenese word that translates to animation. Contrary to popular belief, all cartoons are anime, as anime translates to animation.
Weeb: I just watched some anime today!
Japenese person: from what country?
Weeb: Duh, japan!
Japenese person: you do know all animation is anime, right?
by MrMrMemeyGuy September 17, 2017
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