6 definitions by Mr. Sexington

1.(noun) The author of "The Grapes of Wrath".

2.(noun) The most elaborate describer of dust the world has ever known.

3.(noun) One of the many names of the Devil.
Damn you John Steinbeck!!! How could you go on about goddamn dust for over forty pages?!!! Damn you to hell, where you live and rule, but don't let that soften the threat!!! And what the hell is with the damn turtle?!!! I don't know if you know this John Steinbeck, but the book was about a struggling Oklahoman family!!! Didn't need an entire chapter about a fucking turtle!!!
by Mr. Sexington May 31, 2006
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1.(noun) The author of "The Grapes of Wrath".

2.(noun) The most elaborate describer of dust the world has ever known.

3.(noun) One of the many names of the Devil.

Damn you John Steinbeck!!! How could you go on about goddamn dust for over forty pages?!!! And what the hell is with the damn turtle?!!! I don't know if you know this John Steinbeck, but the book was about a struggling Oklahoman family!!! Didn't need an entire chapter about a fucking turtle!!!
by Mr. Sexington September 19, 2006
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1.(v) The morning after having sex, you kick the girl out of her own bed and wipe your penis on the sheets and curtains.

(Nothing makes a pilgrim angrier than dirty curtains)
by Mr. Sexington May 31, 2006
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The clown played by Damon Wayans on the show "In Living Color". Homey, better known as Homey da Clown, was a released convict trying to work off certain debts. He was best known for his catchphrase, "Homey don't play that".
Brat: Make a baloon animal, Homey.

Homey: Give me a dollar!
by Mr. Sexington June 2, 2006
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A phrase that can be used to respond to many different styles of comments, mostly opinions. This word originally derived from early Euoropean fox hunters, who had at first been pompous and arrogant and thought the fox to be a stupid animal, only to be outwitted by the creature time and time again. So this saying is basically a disagreement stating "remember our mistake with the fox", or, "do not assume this is true".

Gary: Hey Greg, you're gay!

Greg: Like a fox.
by Mr. Sexington September 19, 2006
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A phrase that can be used to respond to many different styles of comments, mostly opinions. This word originally derived from early Euoropean fox hunters, who had first thought the fox to be a stupid animal, only to be outwitted by the creature. So this saying is basically a disagreement stating "remember our mistake with the fox", or, "do not assume this is true".
Gary: Hey Greg, you're gay!

Greg: Like a fox.
by Mr. Sexington June 2, 2006
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