5 definitions by Mr. Grey Crow

Any sensory stimulus that attracts a pussycat.
Whenever she hears the sound of the can-opener opening a can, our pussycat comes running to the kitchen. Yes, it's a real pussy magnet!
by Mr. Grey Crow March 10, 2017
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1. A woman's large breasts.

2. A woman who has large breasts.
1. Katy Perry has an admirable treasure chest.

2. Katy Perry is a national treasure chest.
by Mr. Grey Crow March 10, 2017
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A donkey that breaks into buildings to steal valuables.
The city police arrested Donald Donkey last night. They say he's a serial ass burglar.
by Mr. Grey Crow March 9, 2017
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A forest inhabited by at least one tiger.
"Jane, stay away from the tiger woods, or you may get attacked, mauled, and eaten!"
by Mr. Grey Crow March 9, 2017
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If megasoreass were alive today, he would march in pride parade.
by Mr. Grey Crow March 17, 2017
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