4 definitions by Mr. Cox

In the sexual assault case, the defendant claimed that the actions in question were purely consexualations.
by Mr. Cox December 17, 2007
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The 32 ounce wannabe 40s that the fine state of Florida sells.
I went to the store to get some Four Os but a quarty was all I could get because 40s are illegal here apparently. . . Florida sucks a fat one.
by Mr. Cox April 28, 2010
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To steal something from someone in a shady manner. This can be applied to anything including female pursuit. Such as if a friend was about to get with a girl at a party and you dive in for the kill thus "bogarting" him of his chance with her.

Also if a scummer steals random stuff from your house at a party such as shaving cream, cups, etc.
"Man I just got bogarted hardcore, that I was just makin out with 10 minutes ago just went in the back room with some dude"
by Mr. Cox November 28, 2009
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Brevard Community College

The "College" that pretty much everyone from Brevard that doesn't go to USF, UCF, UF, or FSU goes to just so they can say they're doing SOMETHING with their lives.

Also the "College" populated very heavily by High School students taking college classes while still in high school, thus leading to feeling awkward when you find out the hottest girl in your class is actually a junior in high school.


Beer Can College

Wickham University
Hey, we're graduating soon, what do you want to do for college?

I don't know, I guess I'll probably just go to BCC or something.
by Mr. Cox November 28, 2009
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