5 definitions by Mr Bananas

The female version of 'Munging', a gang of rampant girls/ladies go to a graveyard in the middle of the night (at least 4 participants required). Dig up a fresh (ish) male corpse and place his body onto a grassy area face up, four doughnuts are placed onto the dead flaccid penis in order to make it stand to attention.

All girls/ladies get naked and stand on top of their nearest tombstone, they begin to pleasure themselves while chanting 'blockhead, blockhead, blockhead' - at the point at which they are about to reach climax each participant jumps from their tombstone, sits on the body's face and gyrates while eating one of the doughnuts.

To conclude the ritual each participant slicks their fingers down their throat and vomits onto the dead flaccid penis.... (custard doughnuts are recommended for extra effect) - the last to vomit rides the cadaver and then hoovers up the sick, lady juices, mud then when she is done she screams ‘blockhead’ as if possessed by the devil himself – others take pictures and post to social media.
Me and the girls went blockheadding last night, turned out to be a right mess as Jenny was on the blob and she'd not told us, what with it being dark Sarah who went last had blood & custard all over her and looked as if she'd been face fucked by king kong. We fucking loved it but we got banned off Insta.
by Mr Bananas May 24, 2019
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A 'saltbreather' is a person who lives by the sea and has spent too long living there, having breathed in 'salty air' all their lives they tend to go slightly mad, have a warped sense of right and wrong plus very poor fashion choices. Often criminals and with a higher than average serial killer count per thousand.
I went to the seaside last week and the saltbreathers working in the arcade started hassling me, I mean them odd balls have lived by the sea that long they don't even know how to talk to someone properly without insulting them.
by Mr Bananas July 12, 2019
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Unlike an 'entrepreneur' a degentrepreneur is an individual dedicated to building business or businesses in web 3.0, taking on risks in the hope of profit or with the aim of helping others. Web 3.0 is defined as the creation of high-quality content and services produced by gifted individuals using Web 2.0 technology as an enabling platform. Web 3.0 refers to specific technologies that should be able to create the Semantic Web.
The people behind some of the biggest digital applications that run on a blockchain network of computers instead of relying on a single computer could be said to be degentrepreneur pioneers.
by Mr Bananas January 6, 2022
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The practice of saying a sentence designed to please absolutely everyone who is listening while also contradicting yourself and going back on promises made in the past.
You've just noticed that the mood of the nation has changed, you've changed your mind from what you said last time we were here, you're flip flopping around and changing your mind every time we see you. Everything you are saying now is turning into a complete Corbynism!
by Mr Bananas August 19, 2019
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When two people who are 'in transition' from a man to a woman are going out with each other and sleeping together, but are both 'pre-op' and both still have male genitals they are HOMOTRANS. Many of these people would class themselves as lesbians but as they still have willies they are homosexuals in transition HOMOTRANS
Those two over there kissing with dresses on look a bit like dudes, maybe they are homotrans
by Mr Bananas February 27, 2018
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