35 definitions by Mos Def And Kweli are Blackstar

The best human, i knew him for like a month and he already was my best friend. I'll miss ya, Ron.
Hey, do you know that Ronald Galooba guy

Yea, who doesn't? But i can'tunderstand a damn word he says though.
by Mos Def And Kweli are Blackstar February 26, 2005
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Benefit is an insanley good emcee from florida. He has one of the best flows on the mic. He also is very versatile with styles, he is an accomplished freestyle rapper and battle rapper, but he writes amazing lyrics as well. A combination of humourous, intelligent, socially aware, and personal lyrics, make benefit one of the best emcees to not be getting heard.
"I lead an expedition in vision and competition
In a prison when deliverin witherin rhyme litterin
Givin and never endeavoring ever clever however
bringin it whether together or on solo feathers"
From The Song So Sick

Check out Benefit's album B.E.N.E.F.I.T
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What you say to someone when they try to fart and end up shitting themselves.
I think i just shit myself.

Dude, tou got Kieran'd.
by Mos Def And Kweli are Blackstar February 27, 2005
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When someone comes up to a group of people that are smoking and asked for some, they end up taking the majority of the smoke. based on the cameo appearance of snoop dogg in the film half baked in which he does some 'snoop dogging'.
Hey here comes Mike snoop dogging again. Don't make eye contact.
by Mos Def And Kweli are Blackstar February 27, 2005
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Hey do you have any Chew?

Ya i just a tin of skoal.
by Mos Def And Kweli are Blackstar February 26, 2005
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A really small, skinny cigar. Often can be finished within a couple hoots and puffs. Not as good as a real cigar.
Hey im out of real cigars can i have a cigarella?
by Mos Def And Kweli are Blackstar February 26, 2005
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A great punk band. Great Lyrics, though i don't know why they are on 'urban' dictionary. I love hip hop (not eminem and crap like that though) but theses chicago natives are incredible.
Like the Angel, Give it All, Dancing for Rain and To Them These Streets belong are four of the best songs by Rise Against.
by Mos Def And Kweli are Blackstar February 26, 2005
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