7 definitions by Mooseface
Wearing your face mask pulled down over your chin, leaving your nose and mouth uncovered, looking like an Amish neck beard and rendering it completely useless as protection against the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
That Iowa high school basketball coach is making a mockery of his school’s COVID prevention policy by sporting an Amish mask look.
by Mooseface February 17, 2021
Karen: “What took you so long? I thought you’d already used the bathroom?”
Tom: “I did, but I had to do a clean up on aisle zero.”
Tom: “I did, but I had to do a clean up on aisle zero.”
by Mooseface April 5, 2018
An expression of enthusiastic agreement or solidarity. Taken from a frequent expression by Mr. Wu to his ally, Al Swearingen, on the TV show "Deadwood." Mr. Wu, a Chinese whose only English word is "cocksucka," would say "Wu Swidgin" to Swearingen whenever they agreed on something to advance their mutual interests against their common adversaries.
Mike: "I think the Kansas City Chiefs are going to the Super Bowl next season."
Dad: "Wu Swidgin, baby!"
Dad: "Wu Swidgin, baby!"
by Mooseface April 14, 2019
Moii and Jade decided that bonking means WANKING. We thaught of this word cuz of how the printer woman would say Bonnie. xD
by Mooseface November 5, 2006
Intense hysteria about a social or political problem that, instead of solving or reducing the problem, actually makes it worse.
The intense xenophobia behind the Trump Administration's efforts to stop migrants from Central America from entering the U.S. have actually increased the number of asylum seekers many times over from during the Obama Administration. It's an example of a "moral panic paradox" -- people are afraid the asylum laws will change so they need to immigrate now before that happens. Another moral panic paradox happens when gun-control advocates seek limits on the sale of assault rifles after a mass shooting. The result is increased sales of assault rifles because people feel they need to buy them now before the laws change.
by Mooseface April 14, 2019
Getting on your high horse and condemning others for their sexual identities while engaging in the same conduct.
That anti-LGBTQ Hungarian leader just got busted trying to run away from a gay sex party. What a bunch of hy-fuck-risy!
by Mooseface December 3, 2020
Liz followed the GPS directions that took her on gravel roads even though she knew a direct route. What a glemming!
by Mooseface December 25, 2018