61 definitions by Mo Dixley

Near exclusive use of black street slang and especially use of black street talk by pathetic 'wannabee black' whites.
Joe is totally a cretin, dude. We were talking to this sweeeeeeet chick and right away he is slinging this albino Puff Daddy rap on her. She was like rolling her eyes and looked at me like...'who is this hoooked on ebonics fool?'
by Mo Dixley July 17, 2005
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A loosely aligned group of misfits at Columbine High School in the time of the Columbine Shootings. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were members of the Threnchcoat Mafia. Harris and Klebold had advocated 'killing jocks' but ended up doing something wrong instead. 'Trenchcoat Mafia' now indicates any similar group of losers with a patina of simmering menace.
My former academic excellence went into a tailspin in my senior year. I lapsed from all good society and fell in with the school's trenchcoat mafia. We cut class en masse and hung out in the library learning boot code and posing as text lesbians in chat rooms.
by Mo Dixley December 29, 2005
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The deeply sardonic concept in which we find a fatuous, ineffectual and unattractive narcissist.
For obvious reasons, there are few well-known examples of unrequited narcissism.
by Mo Dixley August 10, 2005
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'Babygate' is the brouhaha that followed in the wake of Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin being tabbed by John McCain as his GOP vice presidential running mate. 'Babygate' alleged that Sarah Palin's Down Syndrome baby Trig was actually the out-of-wedlock offspring of Sarah's teen-aged daughter Bristol, and that Sarah had 'appropriated' Bristol's baby as her own to avoid the scandal of unwed motherhood within a staunchly Fundamentalist home. Adding fuel to the Babygate rumors, during the last five months of Governor Palin's unannounced and unobserved pregnancy with Trig, Bristol Palin had been absent from school owing to 'mononucleosis.'
"As if Babygate wasn't enough! I just read that Bristol Palin is five months pregnant! That little tramp can't walk the block without catching...something."
by Mo Dixley September 1, 2008
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Governor I'd Like to Fuck- from 40 something Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin. Palin was a former beauty queen (winning 2nd place in Miss Alaska) and TV sportscaster. Rumor has it that Sarah has a nice rack, but if so she keeps her sweatermeat well-hidden.
"That Sarah Palin is such a total GILF, duuuuuuude! I'd like totally fuck her!"
by Mo Dixley September 1, 2008
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A chatastrophe is any typically sudden, disastrous event that occurs during online chat- whether in chat rooms or private messaging.
Room Two was noted as a peaceable room of cozy fellowship chat amongst civilized habitués. After Room One experienced the chatastrophe of a vengeful bot-loading booter, Room One chatters jumped ship and found their way over to Room Two like so many flotsam-borne rats. This sat uneasily upon the regulars of Two, as the Oners were a virtual rogues gallery of the more virulent personality disorders. In their turn, the Room Two chatters regarded the influx of Oners as a chatastrophe.
by Mo Dixley February 13, 2010
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A person who totally, obsequiously agrees with everything another person says.
“During the meeting my boss Jeremy calls on Jason, who’s a well-known management echo chamber to ask if Jason thinks the Company’s new and much stricter internet policy is a fair one. The rest of us spend the remainder of the meeting retching at the resultant tsunami of blatant ass-smooching.”
by Mo Dixley April 9, 2009
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