11 definitions by Minstrel

One's seductive charm, to impress and attract the opposite sex.

(See shwerve)
I'm gonna bounce, gotta go get my groove on, dog.
by Minstrel March 5, 2003
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"My DJ skills got mad flava!"
by Minstrel March 5, 2003
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1. Travel
2. Preparing a marijuana joint
1. Rollin' with the homies.
2. You got the weed? Let's roll.
by Minstrel March 6, 2003
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I am going to...
Addict: Naw, man...I can't pay you the money.
Dealer: I'm-a pop a cap in your ass, beeyatch.
by Minstrel March 6, 2003
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Everything is sanguine. Generally a reassurance, rather than an independant statement.
Lady-friend: My god! We'll all be killed!
Guy: Chill baby, it's all good.
by Minstrel March 5, 2003
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Relating to causing serious damage, in brutal fashion.
"If you don't hand over the bling-bling, I'm gonna have to medieval on you, biznatch!"
by Minstrel March 5, 2003
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Only said with an accompanying "double-guns"...both hands formed into pistol formation and rotated quickly at a target.

Arising out of gang shooting references, it is recognizing someone or singling that person out.
First person: Yo, I gots the perfect idea!
Second person: *double guns* Bam!
First person: Uh, what was that all about?
Second person: It's all good, lay it on me, my brutha.
First person: I forget now...
Second person: Word.
by Minstrel March 5, 2003
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