17 definitions by Mikey T

A fictional disease that people say a very tall person may have. The disease carrier will be over 6 foot 6 inches, appear very lanky and awkward, and often will be very obnoxious and loud.
I hung out with the basketball team yesterday and i think they all have ogritis.
by Mikey T February 5, 2005
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A Japanese warplane found crashed on American soil with a dead German in the cockpit, and a camera under his seat.
That's the second Kamikazi Nazi Paparazzi that was found on Rosie O'Donell's property this month.
by Mikey T January 29, 2005
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In the mid 21st century the Italian government will create the ultimate war machine. Half man, Half machine, All Wop.
Robowop stands at six and a half foot tall and weighs over 600 pounds. He is fully electronic, and is designed to create energy from an advanced engine that runs off spaghetti sauce.
by Mikey T February 5, 2005
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(noun) The vomit of a person of Germanic descent.
Everyone please step around the blarfenstein, Barvo ate too much.
by Mikey T December 17, 2004
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Taken from the popular "Lord of the Rings" character Frod Baggins, Old-hoe Saggins is what you refer to an older lady whose boobs are drooping
I went to that party last night, and it was just full of Old-hoe saggins!
by Mikey T December 17, 2004
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The act of tying crack cocaine on the end of a rope, and making crack addicts chase it around the ghetto.
There's nothin to do. You guys wanna go downtown and play rope-a-dope?
by Mikey T January 29, 2005
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Noun meaning lighter. Or any object used for lighting a fire.
Pass me the flame device so i can light this Philadelphia cigar.
by Mikey T January 26, 2005
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