103 definitions by Mike Hunt

A noob(See. Noob) that is usually found in a Admin federation(See. Admin Federation) servers. He is a good counter-strike player, he constantly pwns people(see PWNED) But he acts like a dill weed(See. Dill Weed)
Silent Death is the biggest noob ever.
by Mike Hunt January 19, 2005
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comes from the word "kindling," which means "easily combustible material for starting a fire," according to Merriam-Websters Dictionary. Can also be said as just BLANG, being thrown into any random conversation to mean whatever you choose. When pronouncing krem-blang, make sure to put a lot of extra emphasis on the "blang."
Example 1
person 1: Could you go collect some kindling for the fire?
person 2: krem-blang?
person 1: no, kindling.
person 2: That's what i said, krem-blang.

Example 2
person 1: that song is off the hook mane, BLANG!
person 2: yeah blang, I blang love blang that blang song blang!
person 1: Blang.
by Mike Hunt March 15, 2005
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malcom x was a tenacious fighter for human rights. he fought for the rights of colored folk alike. he sure paved the way for the dark skins.
thanks malcom x, for bailing my ass outta prison after that salad tossing episode in the back of your moms expedition with my skirt on
by Mike Hunt February 21, 2005
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literarlly; a vagina

a demeaning term, usually to put someone down for being a wuss. As in being a vagina.
Joe, quit being such a wichinga. Its just a damn spider.
by Mike Hunt March 8, 2004
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Did you see all those yuts when were were at the casino? Of course the place was full of yuts, we were on a reservation dumbass.
by Mike Hunt March 5, 2004
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She licked my perineum before she sucked my dicl
by Mike Hunt August 4, 2003
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a frozen peice of shit in the shape of a penis. Used to stick in your "vagina" or "anus".
My friend has 12 inch logs, so i got him to shit and i froze it and i put it in my ass.Yummy.pirate dildo.
by Mike Hunt April 18, 2004
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