30 definitions by Mike Comanche

aka "faw" means "false advertising" since they all charge money.
I can get a 2005 Corvette for only $5,000, and it says "it runs great"!

Yeah, that's about as truthful as a free singles website dude. Faw!!!
by Mike Comanche March 23, 2009
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Someone who understands the TRUE definition of MARRIAGE (Marriage is the #1 cause of divorce).
BOB: So, do you ever think about getting married?

JOE: Hell no, I can't afford a divorce! Besides Jesus didn't get married, and He said there is no marriage in Heaven, so that's gotta tell you something! I'll be a bachelor FOREVER!
by Mike Comanche March 4, 2009
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Oral sex that ends in orgasm without intercourse.
Sarah: I forgot to take my birth control.

Chris: We could do some home-made oral contraception.
by Mike Comanche March 10, 2009
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I'd rather have a Jew egg than an Egg McMuffin!
by Mike Comanche March 4, 2009
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You are fucking your woman. Your cock is in her, and your hands are touching the bed (preferably the headboard if there is one), but every other part of your body is "in the air" (not touching anything). Thrusting is often assisted by pulling and pushing on the headboard.
Just before I cum, I like to employ the flying fuck maneuver and ream Sarah's pussy.
by Mike Comanche March 5, 2009
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A FAT person. Someone who worships food.
Cris is a foodist.

A buddhist?

No, a FOODIST. She is FAT.
by Mike Comanche March 10, 2009
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Non-drinker & non-smoker.
Jeff is a non-droker
by Mike Comanche March 10, 2009
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