12 definitions by MichyLaMichy

An IQ test is a construct that determines our potential without factoring in how much time and love there is to learn. Remove false equations and there is more harmony = less disconnect.
No idea what they were saying, so IQ’d into their harmony. Such lovely tunes! Made perfect sense!
by MichyLaMichy April 10, 2022
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On the etymology of "arsenokoitai," (the word heretics use to explain their bigotry towards lgbtqia+)

So the word “arsenokoitai” pops up when ppl choose to hate others based on who they love. So here’s some deeper etymology of this only twice-used Biblical word. More likely than not, Paul’s use of the compound word “arseno koi tai”(virile, common, blooming,) was mistranslated to mean arseno koite. (men in bed.) Occam’s Razor more likely has it as a remark on the sinful, but popular, nature of those who used others (pedophiles,) and a statement that justice was needed.

My study of religions & etymology leads me to this breakdown from Koine Greek.

Arseno- masculine, virile
Koi- common
Tai- blooming

So in Biblical context: “The common (low-base,) man is blooming in taking advantage of others.” You could even see it as it was becoming more common to be a POS pedophile then, hurting children. But it has nothing to do with Gay. Koite is a completely different word, meaning bed. Not the same. Love your life!
They really wanted to hate people who didn’t hurt them for no good reason at all, so they went back over 2000 years to find a word only used twice, “arsenokoitai,” and screwed up etymology to be hateful heretical zealots, claiming they were speaking for “God.”
by MichyLaMichy June 11, 2022
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To be a Light House.

Send frequencies to connect languages, connecting what we say and what we mean.

Disharmony is only listening in your own voice. Follow hums that nourish your soul.
The light bill was high, but needed for Watsky. Worth it!
by MichyLaMichy April 7, 2022
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The term is a fallacy as it is neither supreme nor an actual court that is willing to uphold laws, unless it serves their heavily profitable agendas. This unit seems prone to spend time debating uteruses when they could be:

-championing prison reform by freeing people locked up for years for a plant, even in places where it is currently legal to do so.

-Cutting through the Gordian knot of those that profit off positions of power.

-Choosing to say out loud that corporations are not “persons…” since they seem to believe billion-dollar industries actually are people… true story.
Me: Did you watch the “Supreme Court?”

Everyone: No, sorry. I was at the met gala!

Them: Hey, I heard the Supreme Court made political donations an act of free speech! It seems Super pac’d!
Me: Throwing money at fanatics is certainly… common in history. How’s that working out?
by MichyLaMichy May 3, 2022
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Literal translation: “fortu.” The answer to Life, the Universe and Everything is based on our choice of fortune, our decisions that decide our fate. In retrospect, there were probably other questions to riddle of the Universe.
The answer to all is fortu (42,) as we create our own destinies.
by MichyLaMichy April 16, 2022
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