33 definitions by Mi sofakingweetodded

The little brown shit spots left on the toilet during a case of diarrhea
Someone had the shits again at work,they left little splatterdabsall over the toilet
by Mi sofakingweetodded November 24, 2016
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The guy you know is full of shit and lying about everything he says
Hey joe gotta go . no way can i listen to that. shittalkie billy bob ...gives me a freakin headache
by Mi sofakingweetodded May 13, 2017
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Kim) hey chloe how did bruces assfixxiation procedure go

Chloe ) ok but now he looks more than ever like mom
by Mi sofakingweetodded June 19, 2017
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Security people who hide in thier little huts to masturbate while the real cops do the work
You cant ever find security.here cause they are a bunch of whackenhutters.hiding in thier little. whackenhuts. while the real cops take out the criminals
by Mi sofakingweetodded November 25, 2016
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The correct greeting for the holiday so no one can be offended or feel left out
Wow. ..i cant wait to here the song they write for. I wish u a merry. chrishaunakwanze and a happy new year
by Mi sofakingweetodded December 24, 2016
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