30 definitions by Mephisto

thing that makes things go. like a heart, except it's gas based instead of blood.
Little Rice Burner: What's that noise?
American guy: That's the engine.
by Mephisto June 3, 2003
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new jersey born Indie film maker known for his classics Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, and most recently, Jay and Silent BOb Strike Back. Also made a cartoon based on clerks.(Note on clerks: made for less than $30,000 dollars) Check out ViewAskew.com for more details.
by Mephisto June 3, 2003
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im just a kid who's gotta lot of problems. maybe if i throw a brick that brick will go and solve them.
by Mephisto June 2, 2003
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the most grueling activity one can partake in (with the exception of mass murder). Also the only reason Europeans riot.
Soccer is hard to do. I wish there were more riots
by Mephisto June 2, 2003
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a fictional disease similair but faster acting than ebola. it first appeared in the movie Outbreak. It later was in Clerks:the animated series
DANTE: Isn't there a cure for Motaba?
ARMY MAN: Yes, burning you alive, actually.
by Mephisto May 28, 2003
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'Feeling leet'. A cry for joy; good luck, pleasure. Usually used on the internet via IRC, and other places like Message Boards and Forums, where one has accomplished something or to feel proud.
I just 0wned that f00, who0p!
by Mephisto June 21, 2003
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